Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Infographic: Mac vs PC Users

Here's an interesting infographic showing some of the statistics gathered from 'hunch' that show some of the differences between 'Mac Users' and 'PC Users'. What do you think?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Quiztastic! Are You Addicted To Facebook?

Hey sorry guys! I've been away from the blog for half a month and I swear it isn't going to be a reoccuring thing. And no, it isn't because I have a severe obsession with Facebook (Please, I can multi task at the least!). But for now, check out with this funny quiz graphic to get an idea of how close to obsession you just might be to our favourite social media site.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To: Train To Run Long Distance

I'm personally a slacker, so I may yet use this to my advantage. My fitness is currently quite poor but this method is a proven method that will get you (or I) on track to get back in shape and get back the stamina and well being we may have once had.

Lets Say: You Want To Live To 100

Immortality isn't possible, but none of us like the prospect of passing away sooner than later. Here's a few handy tips that will help to ward the deathly scythe away for another day. The earlier you start, the healthier you'll be!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Paradox Ponder 4

It is opposite day today.

Tiny Trivia Tidbits 4

Polar bears with transparent, fluffy fur actually have black skin.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Infographic: Why You Should Stop Drinking Bottled Water

I personally don't drink bottled water because I much prefer to spend my money on something actually flavoured. Though if any of you are one to buy them anyway then check out this infographic and perhaps reconsider your form of rehydration.

Quiztastic! Do You Eat It?

Ah, another one of those ever-permeating issues that everyone has to deal with every now and then. Do you eat that toast you just dropped on the kitchen floor that you haven't cleaned in about a week? Rather than consult the oddly hyper-popular '5 second rule' (since it doesn't matter how long its there, the initial contact is what causes bacteria to transfer from one surface to another) give this guide a check instead. At least this way you can eat it or not, knowing that the right priorities have been addressed... i think...

How To: Hack Your Mind

Here's a few interesting illusions that you can either use to impress some chick at a party with or potentially use to your own advantage if need be. I know it's not essentially 'hacking', but it is bringing to the surface some of the minds quirks and it's not every day we get to see our own minds faults.

Lets Say: The Zombie's Attack

Keep this indispensable guide in the possible chance of the Zombie Apocalypse. After all, we like to keep our brains un-eaten and all.

Paradox Ponder 3

If every rule has an exception, then there must be an exception to the rule that every rule has an exception.

Tiny Trivia Tidbits 3

No piece of normal-size paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.

Don't worry, I've tried. I seriously struggle to get to 6!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Infographic: Best Jobs in America

Even though I live in Australia, I still find this infographic quite enlightening. How do you fair?

Quiztastic! Can We Date?

So you've got someone (or something) you are attracted to, but not sure if you should go through with it. Many bump into the same thing and conveniently, there's now a little quiz to find out as quick as possible, so you don't waste any time worrying over it.

How To: Tie a Tie

Here is four of the most used methods of tying that annoying tie around your precious throat. Have a bit of fun trying them out.

Lets Say: You've Gone Back In Time

You just never know what could happen at any point in time. You could end up in the past for some odd reason, and the last thing you want is to be unprepared for pre-tech life. Thankfully someone made this to keep all the basic info for your survival plus more in one neat guide. Read up and keep it close by just in case.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Paradox Ponder 2

If a crocodile steals a child and promises its return if the father can correctly guess what the crocodile will do, how should the crocodile respond in the case that the father guesses that the child will not be returned?

Tiny Trivia Tidbits 2

7-Up was named from the original 7-ounce bottle and the 'up' direction the bubbles travelled.

Infographic: Caffeine and Calories

Ever wondered what your choice of morning buzz really was? Or perhaps you had an inkling but tried to bury your head in the sand. Well if you are interested, this infographic gives you a plot of where the common caffeine drinks stand and how they compare to other items and activities. Check it out.

Quiztastic! What Kind Of Room Mate Are You?

I recently have been looking for rooms to rent, and I stumbled upon this in my infographic hoard and found it amusing. Where do you stand?

How To: Styles of Shoe Laces

Here is a collage of a few styles of shoelaces that you may want to try out. Whether you are after something unique, dressy, tradition or just plain practical, then one of these might suit. If not, or you would rather have a comprehensive breakdown of each type, follow this link to discover all there is to know on styles plus more.

Lets Say: You're the First to Make Alien Contact

You think you might be the lucky one to make first contact with aliens? Check out the above to be sure you are well prepared for the improbable! Don't mess it up such an opportunity for all of us.

Paradox Ponder 1

This sentence is false.

Tiny Trivia Tidbits 1

The name Wendy was originally created in the book Peter Pan.

Infographic: April Fools 2011

I didn't see too many people in the April Fools spirit this year, which is kinda disappointing. So I went to search up who had been scheming on a larger scale and found this impressive infographic for the 2011 April Fools Jokes by Killer Infographics and Zippycart .

Click here to see it in all it's original HR glory.